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Friday, July 18, 2003

Going to see Ozma tonight in 2 hours! Fuck-bang city!
posted by Sho | 1:53 PM |

Saturday, July 05, 2003


Dear God I should be asleep.

I got invited to a barbeque yesterday, but I really didn't feel like going out. Just stayed in, read, looked at stuff on the internet, watched tv and played videogames. It was pretty nice to have a day to nothing, which was really a day where I did a lot of things; just things that most people wouldn't consider "productive."

I also caught the South Park movie on Comedy Central at 1 a.m. I was pretty amused to hear the 'fuck' repeated several times on TV. That and the promo for Dennis Leary's new show featured 'asshole' plenty of times also. Oh, and if you haven't caught 'I'm With Busey' yet, you should, for it is good. I found it fascinating to hear Busey say some similar things that Matt has tried to teach friends over the years, though Busey does it with more force, more craziness, and more risk of injury. Basically, he's trying to show Adam, his protege, not to be so afraid of everything. Fear is the enemy. Fear keeps you from doing what you want. Fear is silly. Of course, he tries to get rid of Adam's fear by playing chicken on bikes and waving a combat knife at him, so it doesn't work too well, but Busey has a point. Anyway, watch the show; you'll enjoy it.

Lastly, I'm reading Ender's Game, which is suprisingly good. My friend Lauren is loaning it to me and at first I was hesitant to pick it up. I'm not really into science fiction except for Ray Bradbury's stuff. I'm not sure why, maybe most sci-fi writing seemed stale to me. You know, just a bunch of people in space fighting aliens and the conflicts within themselves, which is basically what Ender's Game is about, but it's really good nontheless. The reading goes really fast and after a day I'm halfway done with the book. I must do more reading this summer. I'll have to read the Sedaris book Sam loaned me, and then maybe move on to all the Vonnegut novels I haven't looked at yet.

Anyway, it's nice to see Jesse post to the blog. I hope everything is going well out in the woods.
posted by Sho | 5:26 AM |

Thursday, July 03, 2003


Whew, it's been a while since any posted anything to this blog. I assume everyone is enjoying their summer so far and that's why there's less stuff here.

I've been spending some long hours working for the Oregon Daily Emerald. It's been an enlightening experience so far as I've discovered what kind of life I'll be living as a regular reporter.

I know that this is just a college newspaper, and we're only printing two issues per week over the summer, but it's a lot more intensive than writing for the bi-weekly Oregon Commentator. I have a two to three stories due twice a week and each story must have at least three sources. That means I need to do six cold calls before my deadline, sometimes all in one day. The other day I had to wander around an apartment complex and knock on doors to get random people's opinions on a name change of a local street.

So it's a little stressful, but I really shouldn't complain too much because I know Sam has probably had a more intensive time with science classes than I have had at all in journalism. However, I'm sure I'm going to be living a fast-paced lifestyle after I graduate if I go work for a daily newspaper. I think it's very exciting, but I wonder how long I can last in that profession before I burn out.

I'm working with some pretty cool people at the Emerald. My editor-in-chief is pretty tough on doing things professionally like following good grammar, having balanced sources and other requirements that weren't really adhered to at the Commentator. It's tough to have your writing picked on all the time, but I know it's going to make me a better writer. I've already been told that my writing is pretty sharp, it's just that I need to work on the minutae.

My articles are actually being picked up by a national wire service, so there's a possibility that my writing is going to appear outside of Oregon somewhere. Neat.

Anyway, I hope all this work is going to help me pick up a job in Portland or Seattle. My days are currently filled with daydreams of living in the city, enjoying all there is in metropolitan life. Of course, I'd be happy to get a job anywhere considering the unemployment level is at a 9-year high.

Ok, I've blabbed on quite a bit about my own life so I'll just add a couple more things. Ozma is going to be in Portland on the 18th. Yeah! I'm considering following them to Seattle also.

Secondly, check out a bunch of new party photos on my website. Rad.
posted by Sho | 4:57 PM |