Thanks to Blog and Flog for the compliments regarding my recent photos. There are more photos to come soon, but alas they will probably be the last from my five-year-old Nikon Coolpix 800. After suffering some damage from a kitten-induced fall at Sam's apartment before Dan and Matt's birthday extravaganza (my fault for leaving it so close to the edge of a table), the words "system error" are prominently displayed on the LCD and (after I whacked it with my hand a few times to try to get it to behave) the camera refuses to focus.
My dad has loaned me his Olympus C-700 for a photojournalism course I will be re-taking at the U of O (yeah, don't ask), and I'll be putting up any class-related photos up on my personal Web site. But, knowing that I am a mere 14 credits away from graduation, I may have to reduce the amount of blogging that I do here. I know blogging has been sporadic at best, but it will probably only get worse.
Sorry to those of you that have come to expect the brilliant commentary that is supposed to spew forth on this blog, but well, I really have to graduate. Hopefully, some nuggets of entertainment will show up on this blog from time to time over the next few months.
Take care, and wish me luck!
posted by Sho | 11:57 PM |
Sunday, March 14, 2004
I think Dan (aka DMoe) may be harboring feelings of resentment toward the female of the species. How do I know? Oh, just an educated guess.
posted by Sho | 7:32 PM |
This Ain't No Game, It's a Live-Action Thrill Ride!
In the summer of 1993, I went to the local movie theater with a couple of my middle school friends to catch one of the first live-action movies to be based off of a video game. It was Super Mario Brothers.
Staring Bob Hoskins, John Leguizamo, Dennis Hopper, and (as I discovered on IMDB) the android from Aliens and Mojo Nixon, the movie is currently ranked #92 in IMDB's bottom 100 films. Instead of taking place in the brightly-colored and cartoonish Mushroom Kingdom, it was set in some weird underground ghetto that resembled a dimly-lit Detroit. Koopas and Goombas, instead of being funny little monsters bred in mass quantities only to be stepped on by Italian-American plumbers, were weird anthropomorphic lizardmen that wore three-piece suits. Aside from the strange diversion from the actual video game, the plot was subpar and the acting half-hearted. You could watch one and a half hours Super Mario Brothers Super Show! and be more entertained.
After leaving the movie, one of my friends expressed his delight to his mother, who had arrived to pick us up, that the end of the movie left room for a sequel. She rolled her eyes. I shot him a look of disgust.
In summation, the whole thing failed to impress a 13-year-old who loved pretty much anything related to video games. Even the use of flamethrowers and rockets in the movie didn't help.
Super Mario Brothers was the first Nintendo game I've ever played, being that it was the game that actually came with my NES. It was a staple of my video game diet, along with its sequels and reincarnations on the SNES, so it was a disappointment to my pre-pubescent self that the directors of Max Headroom fucked it all up.
But, thanks to Tycho at Penny Arcade, I have found some new flash movies that bring a little bit of freshness to Mario and Luigi outside of the video game world. So far there are three episodes in this saga of the Mushroom Kingdom. Here's part one, part two and part three.
Check out this Flash animation from the Mazda USA web site. No official word on whether the RX-8 really does turn into a robotic battler of evil.
posted by Sho | 8:44 PM |
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
FLOG™: The Revenge
May I direct your attention to the musings of one Dan "Danimal" Atkinson, who will be holding up the fort at a new URL: Mr. Atkinson is a talented photographer, notorious puppy-bomber, a poster of comments here on Wazeth, and a fellow blogger at the Oregon Commentator website. He is also a first-year law student and studies archaic knowledge that most of us do not have the brain capacity to understand. Trying to comprehend terms like "Writ of Certiorari" would make our heads explode, but they only serve to make him stronger. Tremble at his mighty lawyering powers!
posted by Sho | 3:54 PM |